Listen. We aren’t trying to strongarm you with that headline. Because if you bought your house in the last few years or still love it and aren’t ready to sell, absolutely don’t. You can easily wait another few years before considering selling without any consequences.

But – big but – if you’ve considered selling recently, you may not want to wait.


Because while we’ve never claimed to have a crystal ball, there is one forecast that most real estate experts agree on: 2019 might be your best bet for selling your home for the next few years.

In fact, a recent article gives four compelling reasons to sell in 2019 – and we share them below.


Four Reasons To Sell Your Home In 2019

New buyers. While the combination of rising mortgage rates and home prices exceeding buyers’ budgets have caused decreased homebuyer activity in recent months, buyers who are ready to buy will still shop. The biggest wave of new homebuyers will be first-time-buyer millennials. So while your house may sit on the market for a few more days than average compared to white-hot 2017, buyers remain hungry.


Lower interest rates. Unpredictable to say the least, interest rates reached their highest level in over seven years in November 2018, when they hit 4.94 percent. But as of the end of February 2019, interest rates were down slightly at 4.35 percent. So a sudden increase in mortgage interest rates is unlikely in 2019, though both buyers and sellers should expect to see rates continue to climb.


High equity. If you bought during the recession or shortly after, you likely benefited from historically low interest rates and lower home prices still in recovery mode – and that spells equity. In fact, your equity increases with every mortgage payment, every renovation and every other comparable house that sold for a higher price. And the higher your equity, the more you net from the sale – which can be a down payment or a sweet nest egg.


Next recession forecasted for 2020. In a survey of 100 U.S. real estate experts and economists revealed that almost half of the respondents expect the next recession to occur in 2020, while 14 percent expect the recession in 2021. So if you’re sitting on equity you’d like to tap into while interest rates are still on the lower side, all signs point to a sooner-than-later selling approach.

Whether you decide to put your house on the market tomorrow, in 10 years or never, the experienced professionals at DeLeon Sheffield Company have your back. We’re here for you, every step of the way, whether you’re buying or selling, so that you can feel confident you’ve made the best – and biggest – financial decision for what house you call home.

Because at DeLeon Sheffield Company, ‘We’re More Than Realty; We’re Family.’