It’s officially fall in Florida. Or at least that’s what the calendar and pumpkin-spiced everything says, anyway. Not like we can really tell when we step outside.

While we may not get to enjoy the fall temperatures like our neighbors to the north, we’re fortunate that we don’t have to tackle a long list of home prep to ready our homes for changing seasons. But there are a few basic home maintenance items to which Florida homeowners should tend as we transition from summer’s scorching triple-digit heat to less-scorching double-digit heat.

Here, we break it down for the exterior and interior of your home.

Exterior Preparation

1. Clean The Gutters.

Sure, it’s kind of a gross job that no one loves, but we all need to do it annually since soggy summers could cause leaks into the ceiling and walls of your house. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure so while you’re up there, inspect your roof for damaged shingles, flashing, vents, and chimney.

2. Clean Outdoor Furniture & Gardening Tools

While it’s not quite time to bring in all outdoor activities, you’ll be glad you handled this before it was too late. Clean your outdoor furniture and gardening tools so they’re ready for storage and spring since they’ll likely not get much use for the next few months.

3. Plant Bulbs For Spring

It may seem premature, but if you appreciate any gorgeous bulb blooms – think: tulips, daffodils, hyacinth and more – plant them in October once the soil has cooled a little. Be sure to find a sunny spot in your yard and be patient: You’ll reap big, beautiful rewards come spring.

Interior Preparation

1. Clean Fireplaces & Chimneys

Clean out your fireplaces, inspect your flues, and ensure that your doors and shields are good. And if need be, have a professional chimney sweep come lend a hand. And don’t forget to load up on firewood for the three days a year it gets cold enough to light a fire!

2. Inspect your windows and doors

Make sure that when the cooler weather arrives, your house is prepped to keep the cold air outside – and the warm air inside. Check your weatherstripping and recaulk around windows and door casings if necessary.

3. Lights

In the shorter days of fall and winter, prepare your home to let in as much light as you can for the colder, darker months. Clean windows and blinds, especially in rooms that get a lot of sunlight, and add lighting to darker spaces with new lamps – using energy-efficient bulbs, of course.

While Floridians don’t have to do much to prepare their homes for fall and winter, it never hurts to get a jump on some of the more important – but easier to ignore – household duties. (Hello, gross gutters!) At DeLeon Sheffield Company, we’re here not only to help you find a house to call ‘home,’ but to also help you keep that home in tip-top shape for as long as you choose to keep that home’s roof over your head.

Because at DeLeon Sheffield Company, ‘We’re More Than Realty; We’re Family.’