It’s summer in Florida. Well, technically it’s still somehow only spring but it feels like surface-of-the-sun summer in the good old Sunshine State.

And as much as many of us would prefer the air-conditioned comfort of the indoors as the temperatures near – and stay – in the triple digits, it’s nearly impossible to avoid the outdoor activities that come with this time of year: beach, pool BBQs and more.

So if you have to be outside – or if you actually want to – wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy that time in a beautiful backyard?

‘Sounds expensive,’ you mutter to yourself as your furiously fan yourself and swat at mosquitoes.

But PLOT TWIST: Upgrading your landscape, patio, backyard or deck doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. In fact, here are 10 backyard ideas on a budget from Better Homes & Gardens, plus inexpensive landscaping inspiration to help you enjoy your yard more this blisteringly hot summer.


  • Be Selective. Identifying one element to invest in to create a yard you’ll love and can enjoy for years to come, like a fire pit or a special piece of furniture you’ll use regularly. 


  • Repurpose, Recycle & Reuse. Outdoor furniture can take a beating over the years – and is expensive to replace. Instead, revive your existing pieces with a little spray paint, new strapping, and a little cleanup.


  • Double Décor Duty. Utilize furniture pieces that work in two different ways. A two-in-one piece, like a bench with a lounger, maximizes space and can be more cost-effective than buying multiple seating options. 


  • DIY Seating. Consider make-it-yourself benches, chairs, and tables to furnish your backyard for less using materials such a low-cost concrete blocks, dry-stacked and covered with a foam pad. 


  • Festive Lighting. String lights are celebratory and fun, with just enough sparkle, pretty colors, and shapes. Wrap a tree, from branch-to-branch or drape them down a table for a warm, inviting look.


  • DIY Accents. There are plenty of inexpensive decorative garden ideas that you can incorporate to enhance your backyard space, including molding your own stepping stones or making your own pallet planters. 


  • Wall Gardens. Go green with the addition of a vertical garden. This simple and affordable small garden project can be used for growing pretty succulents or even low-growing vegetables while doubling as décor.


  • Simple Plant Palettes. Rely on a narrowly curated selection of plants. You’ll be surprised by how creative you can get with just a few thoughtful varieties. 


  • Inexpensive Paving Materials. Consider less expensive crushed rock and gravel, especially if you’re looking for cheap backyard ideas with no grass, as gravel provides a more casual, affordable flooring.


  • Add Color With Planters. Annuals are less expensive than perennials and shrubs and are a great way to add color and impact to a backyard, especially when arranged in containers. 

From all of us at DeLeon Sheffield, we wish you and yours a fun-filled summer with your loved ones, enjoying the bounty of this wonderful state we call home. 

Because at DeLeon Sheffield Company, ‘We’re More Than Realty; We’re Family.’